Home > Industry Oriented Short Term Courses

SIES School of Packaging /Packaging Technology Centre offers courses designed to suit the specific needs for the industry.

Intensive Certificate Course in Packaging (ICCP) - 3 Months Online & Self Paced NEW

These include Orientation Programme, Workshops, and Seminars of durations ranging from one day to a fortnight. Short – Term Programme up to 3 months. These are organized at conference facilities at SIES SOP/PTC or at a select centre/venue or in plant.

We also undertake Training Programmes on Packaging related areas finalized through discussion with the Company/Industry. Some of Identified Areas are:

  • Package Cost, Economics
  • Products and Specialty Packaging
  • Packaging Productivity Techniques
  • Package Material Quality Awareness
  • Package Materials Testing, Package Evaluation
  • Package Procurement /Specification Development
  • Quality Management of Packages & Package Materials
  • Packaging Fundamentals/Principles and Developments
  • Packaging –The effective Distribution and Marketing aid
  • Laboratory Training on Testing & Quality Assessment-Hands on

Training fee and Course details would depend upon the Topic, Course Content, Venue, Number of Participants, Food, etc.

For more information or customising a training programme, please email us at sopdirector@sies.edu.in / sopadmin@sies.edu.in.

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